Don’t let your skills lose their charge. A little a day keeps the skills in play.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest (lit: most important) thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Furuichi Tip:「太く短く」より「細かく長く」のほうが簡単!
Samurai Dose of Soy Translation: A Little Bit Every Day Over Time is Better Than a Lot over Short Periods
I have been a reluctant writer but now I have found ways to turn writing into a game. I have had a space at a writer’s loft for years and have written many pages now, but now it seems my writing has taken off in new and exciting ways. (To me at least!) Part of this is a new way in which I am managing time. (See Samurai Time is on Your Side) But I also play a little game called keeping the laptop battery charged. Continue reading »